Your personal glove dryer : an ingenious and indispensable accessory to help you enjoy your game !

Problems with your grip due to sweaty hands?

Thanks to Glovy you can now dry out your gloves whilst on the green in just a few minutes between each stroke.

Glovy is simple to use and adapted to all glove sizes, small to extra large.

With “Glovy”, your glove will feel like new: no more nasty odours, crumpled gloves, worrying about where to keep it or losing it all together.

But the best thing is feeling like you’re playing each hole with a “new” glove!

The perfect idea for golfer friends when you’ve no ideas for a present.

A great publicity tool for your company, Glovy can also be a great present to offer at competitions or to your golfing clients.

With its great design and special stand, it can take pride of place in your lounge or on your desk.

Easily transportable thanks to its handy travel case, you can take it everywhere.